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Airbnb(爱彼迎) - 知乎

  “Amy, please don't do this. Okay? I know your nature is not bad, don't do this by yourself? I don't regret to have such a good friend, even though we know time is not very long, but I can understand how you feel now. Your heart is as it should be, but please don't torment so yourself. Let go, you can find a better for you guys. Don't give up to a tree the whole forest, understand?(Amy,请你不要这样子好吗?我知道你的本性并不坏的,不要这样子摧残自己好吗?我不后悔有你这么一个好朋友,即使我们认识的时间并不是很长,但是我很能了解你现在的感受。你痛心是应该的,但是请不要再这么折磨你自己了。放手吧,你能找到一个对你更好的男生。不要为了一棵树而放弃了整个森林,懂吗?)”不知道是什么力量促使的,我竟然说出了这样的话,我很害怕又这么刺激到她了,但是我还是说出口了,这是我内心里真正的想法。

  “I said, you are not saints, you are not God, you can't, no ability to control my destiny. You understand me now is what taste? How is it possible, how can you understand, you don't understand, you grew up in a hothouse flowers, how will understand outside the rain is so strong, you stop being so in front of me out a hypocritically look, the way you make me feel sick.(我说了,你不是圣人,你也不是上帝,你不可能,也没有能力主宰我的命运。......