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  “But what?”(可惜什么?)

  “Such a good program only in this small place you think not, is only so little people know, isn't it a pity?”(你不认为这么好的节目只在这个小地方,只被这么点人知道,不是件很可惜的事吗?)

  “Mr. He said is very reasonable, but we have no money ah, but this is not legal”(何先生说的倒是很有道理,可是我们没有资金啊,而且这是不合法的)

  何景林轻笑一声,继续说道:“As the saying goes, money talks, bullshit walks, if, if possible, I would like to join you, money, I have, I don't care about the money, I just don't want to let the program neglected”(俗话说,有钱能使鬼推磨,如果,可能的话,我想加入你们,钱,我有的是,我也不在乎钱,我只是不想让这个好节目埋没了)

  “Really?But how do I believe Mr. He said.”(真的吗?可是我要怎么相信何先生说的话呢?)

  何景林从怀里掏出一张金卡摆在了老板的面前,“There are tens of millions of dollars, this enough to represent my sincerity?”(这里面有千万美元,这够代表我的诚意了吗?)


  老板听了,笑容满面,“Mr. He is really honest person, I just let people went to the next, there was a Mr. He said so much money. Together with Mr. Ho, it is really my honor to ah”(何先生果然是有诚信的人,我刚才让人去看了下,......