网站首页 » 电饼铛一般买多大尺寸的 > 注意,买电饼铛千万不要买这样的


  “Cousin don 't shout, she has gone, now you are my completely(表姐别喊了,她已经走了,现在你彻底是我的了)”Ann得意地笑着

  “Why? I don 't know you, what together, what engagement, are deceptive!(为什么?我根本不认识你,什么在一起,什么订婚,都是骗人的吧!)”千语无力地对Ann喊着

  “Yeah? You don 't believe it?(嗯?你不相信?)”这时Ann露出一抹邪笑

  “Yeah! I am a euphemism a person!(对!我是婉言一个人的!)”千语变得坚定起来

  “It 's getting late, hurry to rest, hey hey, otherwise .....(天色也不早了,赶紧去休息吧,嘿嘿,要不然......)”Ann望着天空,故意转移话题,没想到折腾这么久了,不过这话中有话啊

  “Maybe! You want to! What?(难不成!你想!?)”千语开始害怕起来,因为这种话,在电视里一遍都有过,“Er, er! Let me down!(诶诶!放我下来!)”果不其然,千语直接被Ann用公主抱抱了起来

  “Yes, as you think(没错,和你想的一样)”

  “I 'll say it again! Let me down!(我再说一遍!放我下来!)”


  “That man doesn 't like you anymore! Why are you still clinging!(那个人已经不喜欢你了!你干嘛还要执着!)”Ann把千语放在床上,想给千语用洗脑的方式来让千语忘了婉言

  “No, she won 't dislike me! Tomorrow I have agreed ... agreed to be together! But why did she ... why didn 't she come and tak......