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  迹部看着我疑惑的问身后的军师和自己的队员们:“你们知道纳尔希索斯是谁吗?”看到身后的人一律摇头,我暗喜:“纳尔希索斯(Narcissus) is a river god Kofi Soss and Mizusawa female Xian Lili E Perot's son. His handsome looks, a lot of girls to pursue him, and all were rejected. Echo female Xian Eke revealed to him a feeling of love, but he does not ignore, female Xian Eke grief stricken and died.

  So Nemesis punished 纳尔希索斯.

  One day,纳尔希索斯 water in the river to see their own reflection in the water, and he immediately played a love for students. Enjoy their own reflection in the water all day long, and finally died emaciated. Where he died in the birth of the daffodils.

  There is a saying, he fell in love with his twin sister, her death,纳尔希索斯 the lake to see my own reflection, he thought it was his sister. Finally, death due to ......